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How to increase the engagement of Facebook users?

January 30 2022

If you want to increase the number of fans on your Facebook fan page, you probably need to advertise to get them, so what’s an easy way to get them engaged?get them engaged

Nowadays it costs money to get fan reach on Facebook, but fan reach rate depends on fan behavior.

Is your post something that fans like? Is it helpful to fans in some way? Does it make fans happy to see it, etc. These are all dependent on the fans, not on Facebook’s algorithm.

But if a Facebook user clicks on an ad and doesn’t like it, it goes into Facebook’s algorithm.dislike

So what are some ways to increase engagement without spending money?

What are the metrics of Facebook engagement?

Posts with user engagement get high engagement, and Facebook puts these high engagement posts on the news digest so that more users can see the post and thus get wide exposure.

If a post has low engagement, it won’t get high exposure, and it won’t be seen by more users.

What are the important indicators?

1)Like your post

2)Comment on your post

3)Click the link on your post

It’s important to note that if a user clicks on your image, and views a post is not part of the engagement.

How to get maximum exposure for your products?

Nowadays, most merchants are trapped in the misconception of uploading products directly and not gaining any followers at the end of the day. In fact, this kind of post that only uploads product information has very little reach rate.improve user experience

So the first thing to do is to improve user engagement. The most important thing is to improve user experience, and finally, when publishing product content, we must pay attention to the action of calling for action.

How can the post get more participation indicators?

Be sure to collect more materials and languages in your daily life. Learn more and read more, and then apply it in combination with your own experience.

So when you need to hold an event or want to get more likes from users, you can look up the material you usually collect. In this way, even if it does not directly touch the user, the user will not be rejected.

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